Traffic Congestion a Ground for Concert Licence refusal
Citywest Hotel had sought a licence to hold concerts at its venue. They argued to An Bord Pleanála that the events would attract an older demographic than other music venues. International promoter, Live Nations, had been lined up to manage the concerts. The council had previously declined the application and the license application was appealed to An Bord Pleanála. The reasoning the Council took in declining the licence was that there were concerns the volume of traffic caused by those attending the concerts would cause congestion in the surrounding road network. Transport Infrastructure confirmed the view of the council.
An inspector of An Bord Pleanála told the appeal that they were satisfied that the proposal to convene concerts would be in accordance with permitted zoning however concerns over traffic congestion created a potential problem. It found that the proposed traffic measures would not feature an appropriate provision for car parking to serve the development. Additionally, there was an absence of a safe and efficient means of facilitating drop-off, collection and taxiing journeys alongside other users within the hotel and leisure complex which would in the Board’s view lead to traffic congestion.
Cape Wrath Hotels v An Bord Pleanála