Babies ,when born, can have minor injuries which may not necessarily result in litigation but among the more common injuries are bruising, swelling and fractured bones. Injuries in themselves do not give rise to litigation unless negligence can be established on the part of the doctor or hospital involved.
To establish negligence, evidence must be provided which shows that the injury could have been avoided. This evidence is normally provided by an expert witness who examines the procedure carried out and explains how, if done differently, the injury could have been avoided. However, these cases can be complex, and no two cases are the same. A judge, on hearing the evidence of two expert witnesses with opposing opinions, has to make a ruling which, in essence, depends on how convincing the experts are in their opinions. Such cases are decided on the balance of probability.
Taking the advice of your solicitor is vital in these cases and the sooner you consult with them the better the outcome will be. Delay in proceeding with a claim can harm a case as, over time, peoples’ memories fade and their recollection of events will be nowhere as precise as in the time period following the birth.
Independent medical examination of the baby is crucial for a judge to determine any long-term injury to the baby as a result of the injury where negligence has been proved.
Many of these cases are settled out of court but to reach that stage you need to have your case very well prepared, and all of your medical experts committed to attending court on the day of the hearing.
Your solicitor will guide you on all these matters where they have taken full instructions from you and believe you have an actionable case.