Workplace Accident
An information technology executive sustained dental injuries to her front teeth when she walked into double plate see-through glass doors in her former workplace. On impact the plaintiff was bleeding from the mouth, broke two teeth and fragments of them fell onto the floor. From the impact the plaintiff suffered significant shock and distress.
As a result of the accident, the plaintiff sustained fractures to her four upper front teeth and nerve damage resulting in two of them turning black and she had to have the four crowned .
The accident occurred when the plaintiff was walking to and from her car loading a computer and other items outside the defendant’s offices and she walked through the glass door which she had left open but on her final journey the door had somehow been closed, and she walked straight into it.
The defendant pointed out that the doors had previously contained plain frosted strips that had been removed prior to the accident in preparation for the installation of new frosted strips bearing the company’s logo.
A forensic engineer gave evidence saying that the only reasonable explanation for the accident was that she had not seen the closed door due to a moment of inattention on her part.
The judge commented on the risk that plain see through glass doors have even with warnings but while it is not possible to eliminate the risk, he added that it is possible to mitigate and guard against it.
The judge said despite the lack of markings on the door at the time of the accident, that the plaintiff had to bear some responsibility for the accident and measured that contributory negligence at 35%.
General damages were assessed at €17,500 together with €4,220 for dental work to date and €3,960 for future dental treatment.
Taking the plaintiff’s contributory negligence into account he awarded her a decree for €16,692 and her legal costs.
McDonald v Brightwater Solutions (I) Ltd Circuit Court (Judge Dara Hayes) 22 March 2022.