First Award Under New Damages Guidelines.
After lengthy lobbying by insurance companies, who were charging higher premiums to cover larger PI awards in the courts, the government introduced, in April 2021, new Guidelines for the courts in their determination of their awards of damages.
In a High Court case in July 2022, the judge was tasked to decide the level of damages for a plaintiff girl who was injured following an accident but who developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for several months thereafter. The case was one of the first PI cases where the court had to decide on the damages by applying the new Guidelines. Some commentators were expecting the eventual award to be much reduced, but the actual award was higher than expected.
The 14-year-old girl was struck by a car and knocked down. All parties agreed that she had suffered from psychological injuries after the accident, and these were diagnosed as PTSD. She also had some minor injuries and a small scar below her buttock.
However, her main injury was PTSD, and this finding was supported by her parents and schoolteachers. She suffered from flashbacks, nightmares, panic attacks and poor attention at school resulting in a decline in her overall academic performance. She had received some professional counselling but would require more although she was progressing satisfactorily.
The net issue at the hearing was the assessment of her injuries under the new Guidelines. The plaintiff maintained her injuries were somewhere between moderate and serious PTSD. The moderate type would result in an award of between €10K to € 35K while the serious version would result in a higher award between € 35k to €85K. Not surprisingly, the insurance company argued that her injury fell within the moderate category and should be valued at € 20k.
The task of the court was to determine how the new Guidelines should impact on an award of damages. Importantly, it also noted that a court could depart from the Guidelines if the justice of the case requires but must set out concise reasons for doing so.
While serious PTSD typically involved a disability for the foreseeable future, the moderate PTSD category envisaged that the plaintiff will have largely recovered, and any continuing effects will not be grossly disabling by the time the case comes on for hearing.
The court was satisfied that the plaintiff’s PTSD fell into the moderate category but considering the negative impact on her schooling and Leaving Certificate prospects, it fixed an award at the top end of the moderate category being € 35k.
The court also awarded her € 25k for her scar and soft tissue injuries which had largely settled. This brought the total sum awarded to €60k.
This case illustrates how a fear of much lower court awards following the new Guidelines appears to be misplaced.
Lipinski (A Minor) v Whelan [2022] IEHC 452